Review: Gatcepot 24,000mAh Portable Charger

Gatcepot 24,000mAh Portable Charger









  • It has a High Power Capacity that can charge devices many times over. Especially smartphones.
  • Has a LCD Display to show power capacity in a percentage way.
  • You can charge 3 devices at the same time with the power bank having a Max Output of 5.5A.


  • It's Large and Heavy, so it's best to just set it down and use it.
  • The Conversion rate is quite bad and a lot of power capacity is lost during charging.
(Last Updated On: November 22, 2020)


Having a power bank with a large power capacity also means that the build behind may not be as stable.

This is because when a power bank has a higher power capacity it also means that the conversion rate will not be as good. However, this case isn’t prevalent with all high capacity power banks, it’s certainly more likely to happen.

Although, it’s always too good to look on the bright side of what comes with power banks that have large capacities.

You’re almost always going to get more charging capabilities that lower battery capacity power banks simply don’t have.

This is the Gatcepot 24,000mAh power bank. It rings true to some to some of the common pitfalls that high capacity portable chargers are known for but it does well with all the raised standards that come with a high power capacity.

Similar Power Banks:

EC Technology 22,400mAh Power Bank


Power Capacity

The power capacity suffers quite a lot and Gatcepot states that the conversion rating of this power bank is 70%.

That’s a lot of power capacity that’s gone down from an initial power level and even though this info is straight from the Gatcepot, the 70% conversion rating is most likely what you’re getting if you’re taking full advantage of all the charging ports.

With that said, since the power banks do have 3 charging ports, we’re going to assume that you’re going to use all of them and with that, you’re going to be receiving a power capacity of 16,800mAh.

Yeah, it’s nowhere near the power level of 24,000mAh that this power bank is supposed to have but that’s what it’s capable of when it’s being used without any holdback.

However, if you’re charging 1 or 2 devices only then the Output power capacity can very well be higher than 16,800mAh. Consider the 16,800mAh Output capacity to be the power capacity that you’d receive if you were using all 3 charging ports at once.

So even with an Output capacity of 16,800mAh, it’s capable of charging smartphones, tablets, and any other device that you plan on charging with constant power.

For smartphones, this power bank can cut through them like butter as it can charge most smartphones 5 times or over.

As for tablets, if you’re charging tablets that have lower battery capacities than the norm like the iPad Mini version then you’re going to be able to get 1-2 full charges.

If there is one thing about high power capacity portables, it’s that they’re capable of charging devices multiple times even when their Output power capacities fall short.

DevicesGatcepot 24,000mAh Portable Charger (Output Capacity = 16,800mAh )Phone CapacityGatcepot 24,000mAh Left Over Capacity after One Charge

# of Full Charges for the Device
iPhone SE16,800mAh 1,624mAh15,176mAh Left Over

10.3 Full Charges
iPhone 616,800mAh 1,810mAh14,990mAh Left Over

9.2 Full Charges
iPhone 6 Plus16,800mAh 2,915mAh13,885mAh Left Over

5.7 Full Charges
iPhone 6s16,800mAh 1,715mAh15,085mAh Left Over

9.7 Full Charges
iPhone 6s Plus16,800mAh 2,750mAh14,050mAh Left Over

6.1 Full Charges
Samsung Galaxy S616,800mAh 2,550mAh14,250mAh Left Over

6.5 Full Charges
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge16,800mAh 2,600mAh14,200mAh Left Over

6.4 Full Charges
Samsung Galaxy S716,800mAh 3,000mAh13,800mAh Left Over

5.6 Full Charges
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge16,800mAh 3,600mAh13,200mAh Left Over

4.6 Full Charges
Samsung Galaxy S8+16,800mAh 3,500mAh13,300mAh Left Over

4.8 Full Charges

Output Charging: Port 1: 5V/1A | Port 2: 5V/2.1A | Port 3: 5V/2.4A | Max Output: 5.5A

The strongest part of this power bank is the charging speeds.

It has 3 Output charging ports and each of them gives a different charging speed. It’s important to know that the Max Output of the power bank is 5.5A, so you can use the max potential of each of the charging ports, and overall it will reach the Max Output of 5.5A.

Port 1:

It’s best to avoid this port because it only Outputs 1 Amp of charging speeds, which is a very slow charging speed.

The logic here is that you’d use smartphones for these charging ports but even for smartphones this port isn’t very acceptable. If the other 2 charging ports aren’t being used by tablets or any other device that requires a high Amperage needs, then it’s best to avoid this port.

If you have no choice to use this port, then it’s available to use.

Port 2:

The second port is a level up from the first port as it’s able to Output 2.1 Amps.

This charging port and the 2.4A charging port are the ports that you want to use the most because they’re able to deliver more charging power. It’s best to use this charging port for all your devices, this especially goes for tablets, and if you’re not using a tablet with this port, then use your smartphone.

Port 3:

The 3rd port can deliver a Max Standard charging speed of 2.4 Amp and this means that it will be able to charge tablets at their max speeds. This port is great for all the devices that you want to charge as fast as possible. The same goes for the 2nd port.

We like the Output charging speeds because 2 out of 3 of them can give a very good charging speed and they’re able to support a high power capacity with a great charging experience.


Input Charging: 5V/2.1A

The Input charging speed is quite good with it being able to recharge at a max speed of 2.1 Amps and if you’re using a 2.1 Amp wall charger or higher then it’s going to be able to recharge within 8-10 hours. If you’re using anything lower, then it’s going to take the power bank a full 24 hours to fully recharge.

RAVPower 26,800mAh Portable Charger


Size and Weight


So, of course, it’s going to be heavy and large with the power bank having a large power capacity and plenty of charging ports.

The length is 6.7 inches, the width is 3.2 inches and it’s 0.9 inches in thickness.

It’s a large power bank so it can be quite cumbersome to hold, not only that, the power bank weight 15 ounces, so it’s nearly a pound.

This isn’t the type of portable that you’re going to hold or at least if you do hold it, it isn’t going to feel the best because it’s heavy and large. So it’s best to take it anywhere you want but you’re going to ultimately set it down and use it.

Functional Components


The power bank follows very similar design features that other high power capacity power banks also feature. All 3 Output charging ports are on a single side, and along with the Output charging ports are 2 LED flashlights. The power button can found on the light side and there’s an LCD for the power capacity.

It’s strange to have 2 flashlights and it’s, even more, to have a flashlight with a power bank that already has quite a poor conversion rate.

The flashlights can be turned on by holding down the power button and turned off by holding the power button again. Charging begins when you connect a device to the power bank and it can shut-off automatically if there aren’t any devices connected to the charger.

The LCD is very convenient as it shows power capacity in a numeric value, so you can get a more precise reading of what power capacity you currently have.


Structure and Material

Gatcepot did a good job putting this portable charger together as it’s tough. It’s separated into 3 pieces with just a top, bottom and centerpiece that it together and it’s all made of plastic.

However, it’s just not any plastic, it’s ABS which is a stronger version of plastic.

You shouldn’t fool but the structure and material, though, as the power bank is still very heavy and it can take damage if you were to drop it on hard flooring.

With that said, it’s capable of being used every day.


There’s nothing special about the tech build of this power bank and that’s the usual case with high-capacity portable chargers; they simply don’t feature very special charging tech, but of course, there’s always the safety tech that keeps your devices safe during charging.

Although, there are no Panasonic battery cells and or cooling technology that’s able to keep the conversion during charging at a good standard.

RAVPower 22,000mAh Power Bank Charger


It’s a reliable enough high capacity power bank but the power capacity suffers as the conversion rating isn’t that good.

This then leaves the power bank with a power capacity that isn’t nearly as impressive as the initial one at 24,000mAh.

With that said, the power capacity can still lend plenty of charges to smartphones and a few to tablets. Even so, it’s just not as good as being able to use the power capacity that the power bank is supposed to have.

So the power capacity may not be that impressive but the charging capabilities with its 3 charging ports and how there are 2 charging ports capable of charging at 2 Amp is nice.

Portability can be a problem, so it’s best to set it down and use it for the most reliable user experience.

EasyAcc 26,000mAh Power Bank



The Output power capacity falls shorter than the initial one as the conversion rate is poor and a very large chunk of power is lost.

The charging capabilities are good with the power bank having 3 charging ports and a max Output of 5.5A. The recharge rate isn’t that bad as long as you’re using a 2.1 Amp wall charger or higher.


It’s large and heavy, so it’s not best to hold it while you’re using it. Most of the time, you’re going to have to set it down and use it. It has 2 LED flashlights which are strange. It has an LCD to show power capacity in a percentage method.


The build with its structure and material is quite good as the power bank uses very few separate pieces and it’s made out of ABS plastic. The tech builds well to use some work to improve charging capabilities.



Its reliability falls a little short as the power capacity isn’t what it should be.

More High Capacity Power Bank Reviews

Specs of the Gatcepot 24,000mAh Portable Charger:

  • Power Capacity: 24,000mAh
  • Output:  

Port 1: 5V/1A

Port 2: 5V/2.1A

Port 3: 5V/2.4A

Max Output: 5.5A

  • Input: 5V/2.1A Via Micro-USB Input
  • LED Power Indicators: LCD Display Show power capacity in Percentage
  • Size: 6.7 x 3.2 x 0.9 inches
  • Weight: 15 Ounces


The Gatceput power bank is an example of a high capacity power bank that isn’t great just because it delivers a high power capacity.

This is because it’s not even able to deliver its power capacity due to its poor conversion rate. It’s not always the case that high-capacity portable chargers promise grandeur and fall short; but in this case, it somewhat is.

If you can get past the poor conversion rate and very large size and heavyweight, then this power bank can deliver what you’re looking for.

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