Maximizing the Battery Duration of Your Chromebook

(Last Updated On: November 27, 2023)

Chromebooks are essential for many people, especially students and professionals. If you’re away from a power source or forgot your charger, it’s important to know how to prolong your Chromebook’s battery life. Here’s how to do it:

Quick Tip: Save battery by lowering screen brightness, closing extra tabs, and turning off Bluetooth when not in use.

Detailed Tips:

  1. Energy Saver Mode: Use Chrome’s energy saver, which activates manually or when the battery is low (below 20%). Also, set your Chromebook to sleep when idle or when the lid is closed.
  2. Adjust Screen Brightness: Lower it using keyboard keys or switch to Night Mode to save power.
  3. Postpone Updates: Wait to update software until you’re plugged in, as updates use a lot of power.
  4. Unplug Devices: Disconnect any external devices like phones or headphones when not in use.
  5. Turn Off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi: These can drain the battery by searching for connections.
  6. Lock the Screen: Locking it when not in use puts the Chromebook in sleep mode.
  7. Shut Down When Not in Use: Powering down saves more battery than just closing the lid.
  8. Close Unneeded Tabs and Apps: They consume power by refreshing in the background.
  9. Lower Volume: This helps save battery, whether using speakers or headphones.
  10. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Keep your Chromebook in moderate temperatures to protect the battery.
  11. Charge Nightly: To ensure your Chromebook is ready each day, charge it every night.

Follow these steps to keep your Chromebook running longer between charges. If you’re interested, there’s also a guide on why phone batteries drain quickly.

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