Review: Imazing 20,000mAh 2500A Peak Portable Jump-Starter Power Bank

  We’ve already done a review for another one of Imazing’s portable jump-starter power banks, which was the 18,000mAh 2000A Peak current jump-starter. That one was incredible with power output and charging features. This Imazing power bank is an upgrade from their other one because it has a 20,000mAh power capacity and a 2500A peak … Full Post

Review: Imazing 18,000mAh 2000A Portable Jump Starter Power Bank

Portable jump starters have been in the market for a while and have featured all sorts of capabilities. Most of the power banks that doubled as jump starters would usually only use a single USB-A port that would have a 5W or 10W charging speed, and that’s it. However, times have changed now, and this … Full Post